Sony and other music copyright holders sued Cox in 2018, claiming it didn't adequately fight piracy on its network and failed ...
Is a case that originated with a dispute over a 15-cent-per-page photocopying fee the proper vehicle for the U.S. Supreme ...
The special counsel insistence on keeping the erstwhile vice president in his indictment risks another Supreme Court ...
A case involving the vape industry gives the U.S. Supreme Court a chance to further erode the authority of federal regulatory ...
More than 160 members of Congress have filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of defending transgender rights ...
The Wisconsin Elections Commission has asked the state Supreme Court to take up Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s lawsuit to get off ...
The laws on cannabis have changed in such a drastic way as to render the smell of burnt cannabis, standing alone, ...
In an amicus brief filed to the Supreme Court this month, 30 House and Senate Republicans, including House Speaker Sherman ...
"The AZ Supreme Court should reject the extreme proposals offered by the parties and take a more measured approach that ensures no legal citizens are disenfranchised while preventing non-citizens from ...
The Delta-8 THC ("D8") battle in Texas continues, with the arena now moving to the Texas Supreme Court. On August 21, 2024, ...
Law enforcement officers in Illinois cannot rely on the smell of burnt cannabis alone to justify searching a vehicle without a warrant, the Illinois Supreme Court ruled on Thursday.
Law enforcement officers in Illinois cannot rely on the smell of burnt cannabis alone to justify searching a vehicle without ...