"The Voyager 2 flyby of Uranus in 1986 revealed an unusually oblique and off-centred magnetic field," the researchers wrote.
In 1781, German-born British astronomer William Herschel made Uranus the first planet discovered with the aid of a telescope.
A solar wind event squashed the protective bubble around Uranus just before Voyager 2 flew by the planet in 1986, shifting ...
Scientists think they have got Uranus all wrong. Astronomers have been studying it long and hard, and suggest what they ...
Scientists may have explained a mystery that has puzzled us about Uranus for decades. Researchers believe that data that ...
A rare solar wind event was taking place when NASA’s Voyager 2 zipped by in 1986, a study suggests, which affected what we ...
A reassessment of data from NASA's Voyager 2 has revealed that Uranus' moon Miranda may contain a subsurface ocean, ...
Experts say they now know even less about a typical day on Uranus, and need a second spacecraft to visit the planet in order to find out more.
Surface features of Uranus' icy moon Miranda point to the existence of a once deep ocean, one that still may exist today.